Werneth Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 1HR, United Kingdom

0161 430 6318


Greave Primary School

Nurture • Inspire • Challenge • Succeed


Welcome to Year 1/2

Hello and welcome to Year 1/2!

In Year 1/2 our Class Teachers are: Mr Goodlad, Ms Collinge and Miss Miah.

Our Teaching Assistant's are: Miss Bennett, Mrs Crank, Mrs Pridgeon and Miss Baskeyfield.

If you have any questions or queries you can always catch us at the start and end of the school day or by email

Miss Collinge - tatiana.collinge@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Mr Goodlad - Joshua.goodlad@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Miss Miah - ameera.miah@greave.stockport.sch.uk


The Caterpillar And The Butterfly - International Story | It's Time to  Meditate

We are starting off as tiny caterpillars but by the end of the year we will all be spreading our wings as butterflies and flying high in our learning.  

To support you with this year, below are various resources which can be used to support your child’s learning at home as well as in school. We have an exciting year ahead of us with some great theme topics including the Great Fire of London, Great Explorers and exploring our local area. We are learning to be mathematicians, writers, readers, scientists, designers, artists, historians and geographers – what a busy life we have!! We are also learning how to work collaboratively, independently and confidently whilst showing perseverance and resililience. 



What are we learning this year?

 Information evening Year 12.pptDownload
 Example of LGBT lesson KS1.pptxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

What are we learning this term?


We change reading books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please continue to hear your child read at home, this is essential to promote a love of reading. 

Additionally, please make sure your child's reading record is signed.

Route way through progression.pdf

Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Autumn 1 Pudding Lane.pdf

Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Autumn 1 King Charles II.pdf

 Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Autumn 1 Samuel Pepys.pdf

phonics screening practice list 2.pdf

phonics screening practice list 3.pdf

phonics screening practice list 1.pdf

Forest School

Miss Miah's class will have forst school this half term!