Werneth Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 1HR, United Kingdom

0161 430 6318


Greave Primary School

Nurture • Inspire • Challenge • Succeed

Year 6 Class Page

Miss Boyle and Miss Padmore

Welcome to Year 6!  Our names are Miss Boyle and Miss Padmore and we are the Year 6 teachers at Greave.


Miss Boyle

I am also the English lead across school and also undergoing a part-time Masters in Health and Wellbeing as I am very passionate about mental health.  I absolutely loves teaching Year 6 and I enjoy all subjects but if I was to choose one lesson to be my favourite it would be Reading because I adore getting lost in a good book.  Outside of school, I enjoy baking, going on long walks, spending time with my family on the farm and also spending time with my pets (Tilly, cat, and Gus and Meg, dogs).


Miss Padmore

I am also the Science & Design Technology lead across school. I love practical and hands-on lessons and these two subjects go hand-in-hand with this! I am so excited to be in Year 6 this year; I would say my favourite subjects are Maths and History. Outside of school, I adore cooking, being with friends and family and like Miss Boyle, I love getting stuck into a good book!


We have some really exciting things planned throughout this year, such as a trip to Robinwood in Cumbria and some visits from Chemistry with Cabbage.  Our curriculum this year is looking exciting, too.  In the Autumn term we will be exploring a key turning point in British history by learning about World War 2 (focusing primarily on evacuation) and the Suffragette Movement and how each of these have impacted our lives today.  In the Spring term we will be moving on to learn about South America and making comparisons between South America and England.  The Summer term will be spent looking at our local surroundings and engaging in some field/map work. 


If you have any questions or queries about anything to do with Year 6, English, Science or life in KS2, please do not hesitate to get in touch by contacting the school office to arrange a meeting/phone call with either of us or catch us at the end of the school day.



Curriculum Information Presentation for Parents and Carers