Werneth Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 1HR, United Kingdom

0161 430 6318


Greave Primary School

Nurture • Inspire • Challenge • Succeed

Core Values

At Greave our core values are at the heart of everything we do and are traits that we look to instil in our pupils to ensure they become successful lifelong learners and responsible citizens within our community. Aligning with our vision that the school governors shared with our stakeholders in the Summer term 2021, the learning team (which is made up of children from Nursery to Year 6) chose to focus on 5 key values: independence, perseverance, collaboration, confidence and resilience. The learning team meet half termly with Mr Norton and have so far helped design the core values display for the classrooms, design badges that represent the values and can be used as rewards and have conducted a learning walk with a focus on evidence of pupils demonstrating the core values, as well as how the classroom environment celebrates these. During the learning walk, they used IPADS to capture this and had time to reflect with each other. It was great to see the older pupils supporting and working with the younger children as they made their way around school. There are more plans to meet in the near future as we finalise our reward system and look at other ways in which we can promote our core values across school and in the community. 

Some of the pictures we took:

 The core values display in Year 6- Taken by Rafe (Y5) and Jack (Y1).Various reward badge designs by Isaac (Yr3), Amaya (Yr 5), Grace (Yr 2), Lily (Yr 4) and Miles (N).

Arthur showing independence in Reception. Photo taken by Max (Yr 4) and Sean (Reception).